Boxer Dog With Longest Tongue Record Funny Shiba Inu

PUPDATE: September 11, 2015

Semi's fundraiser blew everyone's socks off! (Get it? Get it??) Semi's fans helped her surpass her fundraising goal and now the long-tongued pup can help even more animals in need! High paws, Semi!


PUPDATE: August 29, 2015 Look at Semi go! Between her photoshoots, movie deals, and pawtograph-signings, this gal hasn't let all the fame get to her head. (Just kidding. Though she continues to demand peanut butter like she owns the place.)

Semi is now launching a campaign to bring some positive attention to shelter dogs with disabilities and unique attributes. With a pair of these super cute socks, you can sport Semi's mug on those human paws of yours! If enough socks are sold, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to some of Semi's favorite organizations, like Deaf Dogs Rock and the Inland Valley Humane Society, where she was adopted.

SEMI SOCKS!!!!!!! OUT FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. BUY THEM. SHARE THEM. REPOST THEM. We were given this awesome opportunity to bring attention to what's important to us – and your participation would be awesome. You'll be sporting and supporting animal shelters, shelter animals, dogs, dogs with disabilities, deaf dogs, boxers, white boxers, deaf white boxers, Semi, Semi's story, our story – all just with rad socks. This is just the beginning of the opportunity we've been given, so tag along for the ride. Http:// The link is also in my bio. The goal is to make Semi's ridiculous face and obnoxiously long tongue mean so much more than just a ridiculous face and obnoxious tongue but a reminder that second chances and dogs rendered useless can actually be pretty damn cool. And if the cause doesn't move you, do it for the sole purpose of how awesome the socks themselves are 💁 #rescuedogsofinstagram #deafdogs

A photo posted by farrah ramona marx (@slightlysemi) on

There may even be some doggie gift bags in it for some lucky rescue pups, but only if you lovely humans lend a hand! The opportunity is only available for TWO WEEKS! To purchase a pair and support a great cause, visit the campaign page on Bakdrop. Semi and other pups like her thank you with many virtual licks!

Original story:

Three years ago, a gorgeous white Boxer puppy with a very prestigious bloodline entered the world. Her wrinkled face and speckled coat were to die for, but when the breeder discovered she was deaf, they wanted nothing to do with the disabled dog. Quickly and unceremoniously, she found herself alone in a shelter and infested with ticks.

Human, Farrah Marx, walked into the Inland Valley Humane Society not long after, and it took just one look to seal the deal. That dog was hers before she signed the adoption papers.

goofball semi

Sadly, Marx tells us that in the final adoption stages by a previous family, they terminated the process after discovering themselves that 8-week-old Semi was deaf, leaving behind only 3 small toys. But why? Didn't they know that deaf dogs have the same amount of love to give and belly rubs to offer?


The truth is, Semi may not ever hear Marx call her name, but she can certainly enjoy the couch cuddles, ear scratches, and forehead kisses she'll be getting the rest of her life. Plus, things like thunder and vacuums are nothing to this girl!


The two now live happily together in sunny California, where this dog's insane mile-long tongue is up for an official title by the Guinness World Records. Just look at that thing!


Marx observes that Semi's tongue "fits in her mouth sometimes… but usually, hardly ever. It's almost always sticking out." I believe it. Everyone at BarkPost believes it. But we all have one major question: how does this girl eat and drink?!

"She doesn't seem to have problems with it that affect her too bad, she says, "but it flops around whenever she chews or drinks water," and I imagine the area around her water bowl has an invisible "wet floor" sign on site at all times.


Semi enjoys swimming–both with company and alone, we have tea parties regularly in the backyard, and she also enjoys wearing apparel. If she sees me putting on a jacket or even a necklace she will sit down in front of me and wait until I give her something to wear. She's a goof, but I truly believe that is what helped me through the… obstacles life threw at me.


Semi joined Marx's home when having another being to care for was exactly what she needed.

I wanted a puppy, a responsibility and something to take care of that wasn't myself… and also, I will admit, I never even heard of white Boxers before her! I just felt like I could relate to her, and she could relate to me.


The mystery still stands, however, on why dogs with disabilities or otherwise unusual characteristics are repeatedly overlooked. To be honest, I think the tripawds (and bipawds!), deaf pups, or otherwise non-traditionally "cute" canines make fantastic friends. They have character , and we have the love and sense of humor to let them let it shine.


So what's the best way to convince people of the super amazing friends that are "non-traditional" pups? Spread the word! Talk about them. Share your experiences. There are so many dogs looking for homes, and so many more who have an even harder time doing it.


Marx cares so much for these animals that she wants to do everything she can to give them the "love, the life, the fun, and the family they deserve."

I feel like I owe something to Semi… she saved my life, she will always be the best decision I ever made. I want to feel I did all I can to give back and make an attempt to give dogs with "disabilities" or "strange attributes" a chance to prove they can be man's best friend as much as the next pup.

Happy adopt-aversary, Semi. We hope you celebrate with big swimming pools and tea parties for many years to come.

H/t @slightlysemi


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